I completed a survey back in August 2015 based on 263 people’s views.
According to my research results, 64% participants say a person’s size or physical appearance holds less weight than some choose to believe, and I agree because for the most part, marginal concerns in these areas can be address or they can be compromised. Our discussion revealed that appearance is important, of course it is but in essence to be an enticing person requires much more that being eye candy alone.
So the question is what characteristics defines an enticing partner?
My research revealed 7 popular attractions that men like and 8 popular attractions that women like to see in their partner. So let’s beak them down one by one.
Here’s what the men said…
1. A woman that is honest- a man needs to know his woman is genuine, so that he can invest in her, his time, his energy, his love. he needs to know that he can make sacrifices for her-and in her defence BECAUSE SHE CAN BE TRUSTED, that TYPE of security is inviting to a man.
2. A woman that is a homemaker= or with the mentality to become a good homemaker meaning a person who can manage the household, the washing, cooking, cleaning, sewing, care for the children's needs effectively, those skills will go a long way to maintain order and stability.
3. A woman that can prepare a good meal- now this was repeatedly voiced, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, a true statement indeed.
4. A woman that is trustworthy- meaning a woman who is upright and faithful towards her man and the family.
5. A woman with self-respect- meaning a woman that walks with decorum, a woman that knows how to conduct herself respectfully. This is appealing to everyone, Particularly a man that is seeking a productive relationship.
6. A woman with passion- (men love positive attention we know this, especially a woman that knows how to be attentive to his needs. He is very likely to appreciate that inviting quality in a woman.
7. A woman with self-confidence- (meaning a woman that can make a stand and use decorum while doing so.) this is a dyeing breed isn’t it? Interestingly both men and women mentioned loyalty, respect and commitment as appealing qualities. And they are right… because you need loyalty, you need respect and you need commitment to keep the fire burning POSITIVELY in your relationship.
what did the ladies say...
The definition of an enticing man in a woman's eyes.
1. A man that is supportive- meaning the incite to be caring, compassionate and helpful, in a nutshell he has got your back.
2. A man that is loyal- meaning: giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person. In other words, you can trust him to be faithful, reliable, protective and sincere in supporting his partner and or family if he has one.
3. A man with self-respect- meaning; good self-esteem, self-regard, pride in oneself/one's abilities, faith in oneself, dignity, self-confidence, self-assurance. And, if a man has respect for self, he is likely to have respect for others too. So it is a good quality of a man to embrace.
4. A man with leadership skills- meaning the incite required to lead and guild the pack, the unit, your camp. For example; good, management skills, supervision skills, organisation skills, governing, sound initiative and a positive influence.
5. A man with admirable confidence- meaning: self-assurance, self-reliance, belief in oneself, faith in oneself, assertiveness, humorous but firm. And remember admirable confidence and positive leadership go hand in hand.
6. A man that supports good family values- good principles, morals, ethics, moral code and standards of behaviour. more to the point it’s essential to evaluate if his values are congruent with positive values because poor values are destructive and uninviting. couples must find compatible positive values to build a platform for their relationship to grow.
7. A man that demonstrates good social skills- This is essential because when you are out and about with you partner you don’t want to feel fearful that your partner’s behaviour is going to embarrass you, you need to tell him what to do, people are watching their handbag, that type of nonsense. So what are good social skills? The skills required for successful social interactions, e.g to be charming, honest, fair, caring and demonstrate decorum. Of course, this requires incite and maturity.
8. A man with useful DIY skills- meaning the motivation to address odd jobs or seek outside assistance if or when required.
Interestingly both men and women mentioned loyalty, respect and commitment as appealing qualities. And they are right because you need loyalty, you need respect and you need commitment to keep the fire burning POSITIVELY in your relationship.
Rare Diamond xx